this studboi's parents named him Mohandas and his surname was Gandhi.
Of course now you know who this studboi is.
Why call him a studboi, of all the other names that would have suited him perfectly?
Because this dude has "slept" with more women than your favourite pornstar.
So here goes the story.
Our studboi was 15 when his father was on deathbed. One day studboi was in his room pleasing his 16 year old wife, where in the other room his father took his last breath.
Our beloved studboi came to the conclusion that sex is the reason he couldn't be beside his father when he took his last breath.
This thought stayed with him and when he was 38
Studboi vowed to never get inside a hole ever again, but that just gave birth to one of the most perverted activities in the history of mankind.
Studboi not only took vows of chastity, but also took it upon himself to spread chastity among the people of our nation.
He literally went up to newly weds and asked them to restrain themselves from sexual activities.
But of course our studboi had two faces (or even more), he started a new practice in his hood (ashram), he decided to "sleep" beside women, while both of the individuals are completely naked. He not only slept with them but took baths with them, all but to put his chastity to test.
How much did he succeed?
Of course that's not known, but maybe now we know that the title "father of the nation", makes complete sense.
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